White Pages & Display Ads
This is a copy of our Moses Lake Directory. Our directory is in a two column format. Below are our various white and yellow pages ad rates. Hopefully you will decide to tap into the Moses Lake market with your products and services.
White Pages Listings
There are 4 basic types of listings that appear in the White Pages.
| White Regular Listing | (WRL) |
$8/Mo |
| White Bold Listing | (WBL) |
$12/Mo |
| Super White Bold Listing | (SWBL) |
$20/Mo |
| Super White Logo Listing | (SWLL) |
$29/Mo |
Yellow Pages Listings There are 3 basic types of line listings that appear in the Yellow Pages plus 'Extra Lines' which is simply an add-on to your regular or bold listing. Below is an illustration of these listings and their respective monthly rates.
| Classified Regular Listing | (CRL) |
$8/Mo |
| Classified Bold Listing | (CBL) |
$12/Mo |
| Super Classified Bold Listing | (SCBL) |
$19/Mo |
| Anchored Bold Listing | (ABL) |
$12/Mo |
| Extra Line (each) | (EL) |
$6/Mo |
If you are considering using a Regular or Bold Listing and adding 'Extra Lines', you might want to consider moving into an In-Column Ad, which doesn't cost much more, and gives you space to add more information.
Yellow Pages In-Column Ads
In-Column Ads are basically bordered listings with space to give information to your potential customers. They have a yellow background and black print. Red can be added for impact.
| 1 Inch In-Column Ad 1 Inch Display (w/Logo)
1.5 Inch (w/Red)
1 Inch Display (w/Logo+Red) | (2HS) (2HSD)
(2HSDR) |
$42/Mo |
| 1.5 Inch In-Column Ad 1.5 Inch Display (w/Logo) 1.5 Inch (w/Red) 1.5 Inch Display (w/Logo+Red) 2 Inch In-Column Ad 2 Inch Display (w/Logo) 2 Inch (w/Red) 2 Inch Display (w/Logo+Red) | (3HS) (3HSD) (3HSR) (3HSDR) (4HS) (4HSD) (4HSR) (4HSDR) |
$59/Mo |
Note: If you're considering an in-column ad 1.5" or larger, it is suggested that you consider a full color display ad (See Below).
Full Color Display Ads
Display Ads are the BEST way to get customers to notice your business. Our Display Ads feature beautiful full color and are very affordable.
Color Display Ads Pricing |
Full Page |
$618/Mo | 5.88" X 9.75" | FPKC |
3/4 Page |
$527/Mo | 5.88" X 7.28" | TQPKC |
1/2 Page |
$308/Mo | 5.88" X 4.81" | HPKC |
1/4 Page |
$162/Mo | 3.88" X 2.34" | DQCKC |
1/4 Pg Vert |
$131/Mo | 1.88" X 4.81" | HCKC |
1/8 Page |
$91/Mo |
1.88" X 2.34" |
| | | |
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Figure Your Ad Cost We have priced our ads by the month, so you can compare our prices with the utility book pricing. We don't bill monthly like the phone company does, so you can figure your ad cost by multiplying the monthly price times 12 - to get the total. Note our payment options below:
- Cash - take a 3% discount for cash payment (total greater than $165)
- 3 Installments - 1/3 when the ad is placed, 1/3 at proof, and 1/3 at publication.